#1 Pain point for B2B Sales is…

Sales Qualified Lead | because it is not all about numbers but “Quality”. In order to achieve targets sales professionals forget about quality and focus on quantity.

Finding new leads for your business and converting them into customers is a highly complex process, especially when it comes to the B2B industry where business owners often have a difficult time identifying a problem and finding the right solution.

Before marketing any product/service or strategizing a marketing campaign, one should focus on the philosophy associated with it.

In the umpteen growing competition to get the desired outcome through the strategy has become difficult in B2B sales. Even if you get the result it doesn’t turn up into business because of the quality of the lead.

“More has become Less” more cold calls, more emails don’t always fetch you good results. The more I interact, hear or learn about the B2B sales industry find that even though lead generation companies get a bunch of leads from either effort it be cold calling or email marketing they find out that none of the leads were actually qualified.

Why does this happen? One should know if we push too hard during our initial approach to get prospects to agree to a follow-up sales call or product demo, we might get prospects just partially or half-heartedly to agree to that second contact. But then when we follow up with them we discover that the prospects are not actually interested.

If the whole process of reaching out is too aggressive, impatient, or not thorough enough we might find some of our prospects do not even remember hearing from us, or are annoyed to hear from us because they never fully agreed to the follow-up.

Leads Variety: To generate b2b sales qualified leads from multiple industry verticals and from different geographies is much easy than to generate them across one. You need to focus on the service lines the prospect wants to first focus followed by the geographies and industry verticals. Your product/service offerings must complement the needs of multiple verticals.

Enabling sales support: It is important to align and train your sales team with the process of b2b sales qualified lead generation process to achieve the ultimate goal of building a healthy sales pipeline.

Reaching Decision Makers: To identify and reaching out to key decision-makers is a critical step that most businesses have to figure out and define in order to run campaigns and strategize management moves.

Leads Volume: When the business is in expansion mode, the need for lead quantity increases to close more deals, so the roadblock is how to generate voluminous b2b sales leads from different geographies across different industries. The solution lies in the fact that the ecosystem has to be large and the outreach has to be timely and frequent.

Leads Velocity: Another major challenge in a B2B market is to produce a consistent amount of leads to enter further stages of the sales process. In order to close more deals and build a healthy sales pipeline, the marketing & sales efforts have to be ongoing.


Today the business environment becoming more tough and competitive. Businesses are focused on sales charisma to ensure that they reach the market before competitors acquire their clients. Every business has a unique solution to offer to its customers. Offshore outsourcing can help you to reach your target audience and market in a short span, ramp up your projects and reduce operational costs and help you with quality leads, and build a healthy sales pipeline.